If you're a cooking enthusiast or a health-conscious individual, you've probably heard of the numerous benefits of using extra virgin olive oil in your cooking. This versatile oil is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And if you're looking for a convenient way to ensure you always have a steady supply of this liquid gold in your kitchen, then a 5Ltr container of extra virgin olive oil is a must-have. In this article, we'll explore the numerous benefits of using extra virgin olive oil, and why having a large container of it in your kitchen is so important. So, whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, read on to discover why you need to have a 5Ltr container of extra virgin olive oil in your kitchen.

  • The difference between extra virgin olive oil and other types of olive oil

Before we dive into the benefits of extra virgin olive oil, it's important to understand the difference between it and other types of olive oil. Olive oil is made from the fruit of the olive tree, and there are several grades available, including extra virgin, virgin, and refined.

Extra virgin olive oil is made by pressing the olives without the use of heat or chemicals, resulting in a pure oil with a rich flavour and aroma. It has a low acidity level (less than 0.8%) and is considered the highest quality of olive oil available.

Virgin olive oil, on the other hand, is made in a similar way to extra virgin olive oil but has a slightly higher acidity level (up to 2%). Refined olive oil is made using heat and chemicals to extract the oil and has a less distinct flavour and aroma.


  • The benefits of using extra virgin olive oil

Now that we understand the difference between extra virgin olive oil and other types of olive oil let's take a closer look at why extra virgin olive oil is so beneficial for our health.

One of the biggest benefits of extra virgin olive oil is its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). These healthy fats have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Extra virgin olive oil is also a rich source of antioxidants, including vitamin E and phenolic compounds. These antioxidants help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to aging and disease.

Another benefit of extra virgin olive oil is its anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation has been linked to numerous health problems, including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and arthritis. Studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory compounds in extra virgin olive oil may help reduce inflammation in the body.


  • Why a 5Ltr container is a practical choice

Now that we know the benefits of using extra virgin olive oil, let's talk about why a 5Ltr container is a practical choice for your kitchen.

Firstly, buying a larger container of extra virgin olive oil is often more cost-effective than purchasing smaller bottles. Not only will you save money, but you'll also reduce your plastic waste by using fewer bottles.

Having a large container of extra virgin olive oil in your kitchen also means you'll always have a steady supply on hand. You won't have to worry about running out of oil mid-recipe or making a last-minute trip to the store.

Additionally, many 5Ltr containers come with a spout or tap for easy pouring, making it more convenient to use and store the oil.


  • Factors to consider when choosing extra virgin olive oil

When choosing extra virgin olive oil, there are several factors to consider to ensure you're getting a high-quality product.

Firstly, look for oil that is labeled "extra virgin" and has a low acidity level (less than 0.8%). This indicates that the oil has been made using high-quality olives and has undergone minimal processing.

Next, consider the country of origin. Extra virgin olive oil from Italy, Greece, and Spain is generally considered to be of high quality.

Lastly, look for oil that is packaged in dark glass bottles or metal tins. This helps protect the oil from light and air, which can cause it to spoil more quickly.

  • How to properly store and use extra virgin olive oil

To ensure your extra virgin olive oil stays fresh and flavourful, it's important to store it properly.

Store your oil in a cool, dark place, away from heat and light. Avoid storing it near the stove or oven, as the heat can cause the oil to spoil more quickly.

When using your oil, be sure to use a clean spoon or pour spout to avoid introducing any contaminants. And don't be afraid to use extra virgin olive oil in a variety of dishes, including salads, marinades, and sautéed vegetables.


  • Delicious recipes with extra virgin olive oil as a key ingredient

Extra virgin olive oil is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes. Here are a few delicious recipes to try:

1. Greek Salad - Mix together chopped tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, and feta cheese. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and dried oregano.

2. Roasted Vegetables - Toss chopped vegetables (such as carrots, bell peppers, and onions) with extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast in the oven at 200 degrees celsius for 30-40 minutes, or until tender and caramelised.

3. Pasta with Tomato Sauce - Cook your favorite pasta according to package instructions. Meanwhile, heat extra virgin olive oil in a saucepan and add garlic and canned tomatoes. Simmer for 10-15 minutes, then toss with the cooked pasta and fresh basil.

Frequently asked questions about extra virgin olive oil

Q: Does extra virgin olive oil have a high smoke point?

A: Yes, good quality extra virgin olive oil have a smoking point of 200-220 degrees celsius well in excess of the 180 degrees celsius which correspond to the maximum temperature typically used in private kitchens.

Q: Can I use extra virgin olive oil for baking?

A: Yes, extra virgin olive oil can be used in baking recipes that call for oil or butter. It adds a rich flavour and moist texture to cakes, bread, and muffins.

Q: How long does extra virgin olive oil last?

A: Extra virgin olive oil can last up to two years if stored properly. However, it's best to use it within six months to ensure maximum freshness and flavour.